
Kundli Information

Kundli of Bride & Groom is matched to know the Total Goons, which is also known as 'Goon Milan' or astrological Compatibility points. It is believed that one's successful or broken married life depends on how many Total Goons are matched by comparing Bride & Groom Kundli. Total Goons answers one's burning love and romance questions and figure out your sex and sizzle factor. Total Goons compares you and your partner's individual birth information and gives you insight into your relationship.

Using Astrological techniques, Our software combines the natal charts of two opposite gender by selecting 'Varnadi Chakra- called Nakshatra for long-term relationship to create a single, composite chart that is representative of this relationship. Using this Total Goons chart, one can conclude the pleasures and bumps you two will encounter on your journey together. Only the very best in all the respects could be taken as destined. Normally a match with 18 or more points is considered good. Nadi is considered as essential criteria for a good match.



Match Chart/ Goon Milan

   Varna Varna indicates ego development within the partners.
   Vaishya Vaishya indicates the intensity of mutual attraction and affection between the couples.
   Tara/Din Tara/Din indicates health and well being between the couple.
   Yoni Yoni indicates biological compatibility and satisfaction.
   Graha Maitri Graha Maitri indicates outlook, Objective , intellectual level and spiritual plane of existence.
   Gana Gana indicates temperamental characteristics.
   Bhakut/Rashi Bhakut /Rashi indicates growth of the family and family-welfare etc.
   Nadi Nadi signifies the health (outward physique) and constitution( Internal Metabolism)

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